Lake Titicaca is majestic. I've wanted to visit that lake for so many

years, actually being on it in a yacht was quite the feeling. I went with the Richmond Eteam last Saturday for a several hour cruise and some trucha--Titicaca trout--DElish! This lake is supposedly the 'highest navigable lake in the world,' and flying over it on my way to La Paz I seriously thought it was the ocean. The water is the same color as the sky with snowy mountains indiscernibly dividing the two. It was FREEZING cold but brutally sunny at the same time. Hopefully I will get to return before I leave to see some Inca ruins!
Yesterday Sara, Moises, Keri and I went to Tiwanaku, the oldest ruins here in Bolivia. The Tiwanaku civilization spanned centuries from the Greeks until the Incas in the 15th century. CRAZY. Archaeology is interesting here because hardly anything has been excavated--it's like history is still living in Bolivia, so the people don't seem to care as much about bringing all the past to light right away. Maybe it's just their super relaxed (ahem kind way of saying, LATE!! today i almost exploded when we were an hour late for church...) culture. Anyways, it was fascinating. They've located where temples and

tombs are but the process is veeeery slow. In about 20 years this site will be incredible!! But nonetheless it was wonderful. Thought all day yesterday again why I am not studying archaeology... I simply love learning this stuff... aside from the one actual class I've taken. Haha. That makes me rest in peace that I've chosen the better career with Economic Dev. :)
Just got back from El Clasico, futbol match between the two La Paz teams, Bolivar and The Strongest (haha sweet name huh). Awesome. And now I begin my last two weeks here. Really hate thinking about it. I feel connected to this place in a way I don't feel for any other country... I don't know how to explain it... I just know I will return :) I have left much unseen on purpose... I mean, still gotta punt down the Amazon.